She needs bullets to fight , be her weapon ♥♥♥

Feisty Char needs bullets to fight!


Read, feel, understand. I blog my own thoughts here. I'm flickle-minded, stubborn, impulsive & I've a no one can handle attitude. Fuck me up, I'll show you how nasty I can be. I'll be nice if only I think that you deserve it. Don't push your luck and try to test my patience level. You'll never want to see me blow up at you. It'll be much more worse than volcano eruption. Rippers are welcome to leave now.

Officially engaged to KennyYbk. The guy whom I want to spend the rest of my life with. The guy whom I never want to lose. The guy whom I have the thought of changing my last name for. The guy whom I thought of marrying.

Baby, I don't care what the world thinks,
I ain't seeking for anyone's approval.
I'm in love with you & that's all that matters.
It takes a tough person to fight this tough love. No matter what love will always be like a battlefield, but I fear nothing, cause I am ready for war, to win.

Boy, no matter what happens, or what you'll become in the future, I will never leave you. That's my promise towards you ♥

Thursday 28 April 2011

New blog! I don't know what happened to the previous one but I'll just leave it there. So, I need tags! Tag me tag me ^-^

So as usual, I've been working. Company contract finally extended for another 6 months but I'm still not used to waking up at 530 ever weekday. Got to drag myself out of bed every morning. Well, this is life. Thank God it's Friday today. & I shall have a long weekend again as the following Monday is a public holiday.

Sad thing, I've to come back to work during June holidays. Sigh! Sad life :/

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