She needs bullets to fight , be her weapon ♥♥♥

Feisty Char needs bullets to fight!


Read, feel, understand. I blog my own thoughts here. I'm flickle-minded, stubborn, impulsive & I've a no one can handle attitude. Fuck me up, I'll show you how nasty I can be. I'll be nice if only I think that you deserve it. Don't push your luck and try to test my patience level. You'll never want to see me blow up at you. It'll be much more worse than volcano eruption. Rippers are welcome to leave now.

Officially engaged to KennyYbk. The guy whom I want to spend the rest of my life with. The guy whom I never want to lose. The guy whom I have the thought of changing my last name for. The guy whom I thought of marrying.

Baby, I don't care what the world thinks,
I ain't seeking for anyone's approval.
I'm in love with you & that's all that matters.
It takes a tough person to fight this tough love. No matter what love will always be like a battlefield, but I fear nothing, cause I am ready for war, to win.

Boy, no matter what happens, or what you'll become in the future, I will never leave you. That's my promise towards you ♥

Friday 1 July 2011

Hi July, bye June

Realized I haven't blogged for quite a long time.

It's a new month again. June is finally
over. 2011 is seriously a bad year. Tons of problems happening. From work to family, family to friends, friends to boyfriend. Realistic world indeed.. Should have studied harder in the past when I still have the chance to.. Regretted so so much but forget it.. I shall start mugging at work, earn as much as possible and start supporting myself soon.

Okay, it's Friday today! Saturday tomorrow which means, boyfriend day! Heeeheeee! Happygirl~ I miss him tons! See you tomorrow babyboy. I love you ♥♥☺

Friday 24 June 2011

Another Friday, time flies like aeroplane this year. Its already coming to the end of June which means, pay day soon! ^-^ Took more than 9 leaves in total for this month, oh god! My salary will be like ........
very little only :( 

Life has changed drastically ever since the separation of my 2 close sisters and me. Life became more "peaceful" ? Or should I say boring? Used to be close sisters .

I finally understand the meaning why humans are not allowed to make any mistakes in life. Once you choose the wrong path, there's no turning back. You won't even be given a second chance. Ah-har, understood now.

I promised not to regret for the decisions that I've made and I won't. I still miss the past but I'm slowly letting go. In order not to get hurt again, I chose to walk by myself.

Okay, enough of emotional posts.

If you happen see this post, please do help me like my photo for my contest! I'm still lacking behind.
I need more likes! Be nice peepo (;

Just 2 simple steps within 10 seconds,



DONE! Easy job, help to like babies. Your like is very very important to me ♥.♥

Thursday 23 June 2011

Back to blogging again ~

As usual, went to work, slack whole day, use comp for the whole day inside office. Slack like a shiok only.
Boring as usual ~

Didn't went to BBQ party yesterday night held by the school. Went home and sleep like a pig.
Boring much ~ Thank God it's finally Thrusday already. Tomorrow is Friday ~ Wheeepieeee!~
Happy girl maximum ^-^

Meeting Vanessa babygirl to exchange my iPhone tomorrow. Dropped 5 times in one month is a little crazy. My phone is starting to throw tantrums already. Hang and hang nowadays. Gonna change you away!
I'm angry with you phone! Humph D: After that gonna go Sakae Sushi ~
PS: I love sushi a lot a lot. ♥.♥

Alright, gonna stop here. Photos time! ♥

Baby , in 5 years time, I promise I'll change my last name for you

When I looked into your eyes , I didn't see just you.
I saw my today , tomorrow & the rest of my future ♥

Baby , thanks for the littest things that you've did for me.

Love people not because they give you what you need ,
but because they give you the feelings you never thought you needed ♥

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Finally it's Wednesday! Freaking hell shag~ Holiday coming to an end soon. Meaning, no more slacky days at work. FML :(

Didn't went to work yesterday again. As usual, went to meet boyf at his place in the morning. Helped him to clean up his house. Sweat like a dog only. I didn't know it's so tiring to clean up a house. Zzz >.<
Reached home at around 9pm with him to have his curry chicken dinner. Forced him to eat potatoes! HAHAHAHA! Joke over dinner..

Boyf - Omg, so many potatoes x.x
Me - Finish them up okay? (;
Boyf - You must be kidding me.
Me - Tsk! Finish them up!!!!!!!! :@
Boyf - Share la!
Me - Okok! -.-
Boyf - I'll fart if I eat too many potatoes x.x
Me - O_O!
Boyf - (There he goes farting)

After dinner, suay suay, mensus came. As usual, mood fucked up. Cramp like dog -'- Boyf had a hard time pulling me to bed to rest. He left at around 10 plus after putting me to bed.. Mum woke me up at 11plus to take my medicine.

& I saw my alarm ringing at 6.55am. There was a note attached to my alarm, "Remember to bring jacket !! :) muackkssss"  Who else besides him would even do this for me. The slightest thing.. Even when he's not beside me, he still made an effort to set an alarm reminder on my phone to bring along my jacket to office.
I love him maximum la ~!

BBQ with colleagues tonight in school. Zzz.. I don't care. I'm gonna give it a miss. I'm too tired to even stand up from my seat to walk to the restroom now.

Baby, I never wanted to fit in any place except your heart ♥

I'd rather walk alone than chase you around.
I rather fall by myself than let you drag me down.

You may see yourself as nothing compared to other people,
but in my eyes, you're everything they'll never be. 14th's ♥

Baby, thanks for reminder that you've created for me. Lovedieyou ♥.♥

Monday 20 June 2011

As usual, still working like a dog. I swear holiday period really sucks. Took more than 8 days of annual leave for this month to accompany boyf.

Working life is bored maximum I swear. Rot in front of the comp for 9 hours surfing the net and doing nothing! -.- Left with one more week till school re-opens and I've to continue mugging again :( 

I freaking cannot wait for my probation to be over! No more curfews please!

Met up with Patricia on Saturday. Went Far East to shop and went for manicure and pedicure session.
Bill shock! $201.20! The most expensive manicure and pedicure session I've ever gone through.

Bought a top for boyf at Fred Perry, top for myself at Topshop. Wooooo~ Broke! (Y)

Okay, so I'm going to upload the photos that I promised to in my previous post now. Celebrated 5th monthsary with boyf on the 14th. Photos delayed! Sorry!

& yes, I still love him like I always do. It didn't fade, however, it grew stronger than before.
KennyYbk's , mylastlove

Sunday 12 June 2011

It's 13th June already! Less than 24 hours to 5th monthsary with dearest boyf.
Happyhappygirl (: 

Did lots of surprises for him, pictures will be posted up after tomorrow (;
It wasn't easy for the both of us throughout this 5 months. As time passes each day,
I'm more sure that he's the only guy that I would want to spend my life with.
No regrets. He's the only one who can make me smile when I don't feel like.
He's the one who helped me up at my lowest point in life.
He's the one who encourgaed me to stand up again after each fall.

I will never find another guy who's as sweet, as loving and as caring like him.
He made me had the urge to change my last name. Yup, it's him. KennyYbk, my last love.


                              CLICK ON THE LINK PEEPO ^.^                                  
Baby, I'm sorry for all the bad that I've caused. I promise I'll love you like I always do

& I thank you for all the times you stood by me.
For everything that you've did that made me fall in love with you.
Baby, don't go away..

I promise to be with you throughout my whole life from now on
until I breathe my last..
Boy, believe me, I will make this last..

Monday 6 June 2011