She needs bullets to fight , be her weapon ♥♥♥

Feisty Char needs bullets to fight!


Read, feel, understand. I blog my own thoughts here. I'm flickle-minded, stubborn, impulsive & I've a no one can handle attitude. Fuck me up, I'll show you how nasty I can be. I'll be nice if only I think that you deserve it. Don't push your luck and try to test my patience level. You'll never want to see me blow up at you. It'll be much more worse than volcano eruption. Rippers are welcome to leave now.

Officially engaged to KennyYbk. The guy whom I want to spend the rest of my life with. The guy whom I never want to lose. The guy whom I have the thought of changing my last name for. The guy whom I thought of marrying.

Baby, I don't care what the world thinks,
I ain't seeking for anyone's approval.
I'm in love with you & that's all that matters.
It takes a tough person to fight this tough love. No matter what love will always be like a battlefield, but I fear nothing, cause I am ready for war, to win.

Boy, no matter what happens, or what you'll become in the future, I will never leave you. That's my promise towards you ♥

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Finally it's Wednesday! Freaking hell shag~ Holiday coming to an end soon. Meaning, no more slacky days at work. FML :(

Didn't went to work yesterday again. As usual, went to meet boyf at his place in the morning. Helped him to clean up his house. Sweat like a dog only. I didn't know it's so tiring to clean up a house. Zzz >.<
Reached home at around 9pm with him to have his curry chicken dinner. Forced him to eat potatoes! HAHAHAHA! Joke over dinner..

Boyf - Omg, so many potatoes x.x
Me - Finish them up okay? (;
Boyf - You must be kidding me.
Me - Tsk! Finish them up!!!!!!!! :@
Boyf - Share la!
Me - Okok! -.-
Boyf - I'll fart if I eat too many potatoes x.x
Me - O_O!
Boyf - (There he goes farting)

After dinner, suay suay, mensus came. As usual, mood fucked up. Cramp like dog -'- Boyf had a hard time pulling me to bed to rest. He left at around 10 plus after putting me to bed.. Mum woke me up at 11plus to take my medicine.

& I saw my alarm ringing at 6.55am. There was a note attached to my alarm, "Remember to bring jacket !! :) muackkssss"  Who else besides him would even do this for me. The slightest thing.. Even when he's not beside me, he still made an effort to set an alarm reminder on my phone to bring along my jacket to office.
I love him maximum la ~!

BBQ with colleagues tonight in school. Zzz.. I don't care. I'm gonna give it a miss. I'm too tired to even stand up from my seat to walk to the restroom now.

Baby, I never wanted to fit in any place except your heart ♥

I'd rather walk alone than chase you around.
I rather fall by myself than let you drag me down.

You may see yourself as nothing compared to other people,
but in my eyes, you're everything they'll never be. 14th's ♥

Baby, thanks for reminder that you've created for me. Lovedieyou ♥.♥

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