She needs bullets to fight , be her weapon ♥♥♥

Feisty Char needs bullets to fight!


Read, feel, understand. I blog my own thoughts here. I'm flickle-minded, stubborn, impulsive & I've a no one can handle attitude. Fuck me up, I'll show you how nasty I can be. I'll be nice if only I think that you deserve it. Don't push your luck and try to test my patience level. You'll never want to see me blow up at you. It'll be much more worse than volcano eruption. Rippers are welcome to leave now.

Officially engaged to KennyYbk. The guy whom I want to spend the rest of my life with. The guy whom I never want to lose. The guy whom I have the thought of changing my last name for. The guy whom I thought of marrying.

Baby, I don't care what the world thinks,
I ain't seeking for anyone's approval.
I'm in love with you & that's all that matters.
It takes a tough person to fight this tough love. No matter what love will always be like a battlefield, but I fear nothing, cause I am ready for war, to win.

Boy, no matter what happens, or what you'll become in the future, I will never leave you. That's my promise towards you ♥

Thursday 19 May 2011

Thank God it's Friday~ Totally drained out over the past few days.

Work, family, friends. Too much to handle at one shot. I need a long well deserved break.
I lost two dear friends of mine within a week. How is it possible for me not to cry? But, I've finally stopped tearing after 2 consecutive weeks.
I've finally understood. Nothing can be changed even if I am willing to exchange my tears for everything. 
I can't say that that I won't be crying anymore, but I'll stay strong for my brothers & sisters.
Not forgetting my awesome boyf who stood by my side all these while waiting for me to get up on my feet and seeing me smiling like the past again.

Hundreds, thousands & millions of people in this world & yet I still chose to stick with this guy of mine.
He may not be the perfect partner but he's definitely the only guy that I want to go through everything with.
He made me cried like nobody's business at times. I agree that I hate him for that, but, what matters most is how he wipe away those tears of mine and helped me up again on my feet.
He's my strength & also at the same time, my weakness. I fall for him all over again whenever I look at him.
It's a love that has never been so true before. I want to be the only girl whom he's going to treasure & cherish for the rest of his life. I need him, I really do ♥

You were always there. Never once when I was down, each of you left my side. Pressurizing me to press on at every fall in my life. Those tears has been transformed to a smile because of all of you. I'm sure that I will NEVER EVER want to lose anyone of you

We'll never be apart. Maybe in distance, but never at heart.
 Kenny, Iris, Vanessa, Ivon, Miko, Yanyi, Xavier, Damien, Barry, Jevin

If you think it's necessaary to judge me based on my past,
don't be upset when I put you there

It's the kind of sistership that I've always looked for

Take a chance on me & I promise, I won't let you down

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